Entrepreneurial Universities in Africa: International Conference by CEPU (Collaboration for Entrepreneurial Universities) and DEpUK ( Developing Entrepreneurial Universities in Kenya), funded by DAAD
Since 2018, the DAAD supports with EpU the labour market and employability orientation of HEIs in Africa. During the four years funding of the projects CEPU (Collaboration for Entrepreneurial Universities), leading by university of applied science Bonn Rhein Sieg with a consortia of German and Kenyan partner universities and DEpUK (Developing Entrepreneurial Universities in Kenya), leading by University of Saarland as well with a consortia of German and Kenyan universities have achieved a lot despite the Corona pandemic .
The conference is part of the DAAD funded project and was a showcase for the activities and achievements in the projects:
- CEPU has provided Kenyan teachers with further training in the area of didactics through its “Job Shadowing Programme”.
- 33 workshops on entrepreneurship have already been staged thanks to CEPU and more than 750 people took part in these workshops.
- Courses with 200 participants – mostly students, but also teachers- have taken part in STEP (“Student Training for Entrepreneurial Promotion”) programmes, developed by Leuphana University
- With these measures CEPU was able to foster a climate of innovation that is having a positive impact on the employment market and on a future-ready corporate culture.
DEPUK promotes entrepreneurial activity for students, university staff and university management in Kenya and Germany through
- start-up Weekends
- strategic workshops
- project management workshops
- learning about pitch and presentation
- workshops for a business plan school
DAAD congratulate the project partners on these successes and thanks for the work, patience and efforts in these difficult times due to the pandemic with unplanning, travel restrictions.
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